Valid since 25.05.2018.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted by the European Parliament on December 17, 2015, have entered into force on May 25, 2018 and replaced the EU Directive on Data Protection 95/46 / EC.
When you use the EVC services, we ask you to provide us with information, including personal data, which we need to give you beauty and health services.
To do so, you must consent to the processing of personal data.
Personal data (hereinafter also data) is your data that you can directly or indirectly associate with you as a private person.
We treat personal information that you provide to the EVC with utmost respect and accuracy.
The EVC will use your personal information only to fulfil its obligations while providing you services on the basis of this procedure.
The procedure is applied to the processing of customer data of all EVC clients, including with respect to customer data that was generated before the present procedure came into force.
The EVC ensures the confidentiality of customer data by applying the necessary organizational, physical and information technology security measures.
The EVC processes customer data, mainly for the provision of beauty and health services.
The EVC has the right to transmit sensitive customer data in accordance with the requirements of the law. The EVC has the right to transfer customer data to other companies belonging to the same consolidation group as the EVC, which can process customer data for the purposes specified in this procedure.
Upon termination of the contract, the EVC will continue processing the customer data if it is necessary to fulfil the obligation provided for in a legal act or to save the data for resolving the dispute arising from the contract concluded with the client. The EVC stores and processes customer data as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes of processing customer data or to fulfil its obligations under the law and the contract.
The EVC processes customer data with the consent of the client for marketing campaigns, lotteries and drawings, studying consumer behaviour and satisfaction, and also for offering and advertising the services of the EVC and its partners to the client.
Customer always has the right to prohibit the processing of his data for the study of consumer behaviour or for direct marketing and data transfer to third parties, who want to use them for studying consumer behaviour or for direct marketing.
The EVC customers have the right to transfer data to another personal data processor. The right to transfer data provides you with additional control over your personal data. We will give you the opportunity to transfer your personal data directly to another person providing beauty and health services (given that the other person has the opportunity to accept the specified data in this form).
We draw your attention to the fact that we cannot guarantee and are not responsible for whether another person is able to accept your personal data.
The customer may request information about himself and demand from the EVC corrections to his data if the latter have changed or are inaccurate for another reason. The client must apply a relevant request (if necessary – in a form that allows written proceedings) to the EVC.
The EVC responds to the claims submitted within the time period stipulated in legal acts, but no later than within one month from the date of receipt of a claim. If, before drawing up a response, there is a need to more carefully ascertain and verify the circumstances, the EVC may extend the period for response.
The client may request from the EVC to terminate processing of its data, except for cases when the right and duty of data processing is derived from the legislation, or when it is necessary to execute the contract or to ensure such execution.
Disagreements related to the processing of customer data are primarily resolved through negotiations. In a case of failure, the client can contact the Data Protection Inspectorate or file a complaint with the competent court.